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Update Loan Categories, Products, Funds or Cycles

This module allows a user be to make changes to certain particulars of a loan that had been disbursed like changes to the Loan Categories, products, funds and Cycles.

Note This scenario arises as a result of the need to edit the particulars of a loan.

1. Also possible a certain category of loans were taken over by another funding agency therefore the loans will be transferred to the new Fund.

2. Collaterals items and may be their values were not captured during the loan process ad need to be added

3. The sector the loan belonged to was wrong or missing

4. Also note that this menu allows you to update these details for each loan at a time.

5. Also note that you can not update the original loan terms of interest loan amount or loan period from but you do that under Loans/Modify Loan Applications

To get here, go to Loans/Update Loan Categories, Products, Funds or Cycles.

A screen that looks like one below appears:


Click on the Save button to have the details saved or Close button to exit.

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